My ceramic work is about character and storytelling. Each piece is hand built from off-white stoneware, with a looseness of style designed to celebrate the techniques used.
I love ‘in the moment’ creative decisions. These make each piece unique and lead to the surface imagery having a strange familiarity. It’s not magic, just years of studying the use of human form across many different cultures, and of course, lots of life drawing. I also like leaving an element of ambiguity, suggesting a narrative, but allowing the viewer space to question and interpret for themselves.
I have a BA in 3D Design (Ceramics and Glass) from Leicester Polytechnic and an MA in Applied Art and Visual Culture from London Guildhall University. With a PGCE and a couple of years working for a small design company, I went on to become Head of Art at Chiltern Edge School in Sonning Common and then ran the Ceramics Department at The Henley College. My most recent teaching post was at St Bartholomew’s School in Newbury. I now spend most of my time in the studio creating work for gallery’s, shows and commissions. I still enjoy teaching and can be found running workshops and evening classes locally (details below).
This year I’m represented by several galleries, including Bell Fine Art, Winchester; Fitch and Fellows, Thame; New Ashgate Gallery, Farnham; Sota Gallery in Witney; Bluestone Gallery, Hay on Wye; Baxter Gallery, Dartmouth; Studio Vault, settle and Found Gallery, Dunbar You can also find work in my Etsy shop.
Katherine Kingdon
What's that? / Ceramic / 20cm tall
Illustrating a vase
Art disciplines:
My studio will be open to the public as shown below and is also open by appointment throughout the year. Contact me if you would like to come and look around or to talk to me about commissioning a piece.