Andi Mulholland

Site Number: 48
Drawing and painting, Mixed media
A clear summer day

Andi is a figurative artist and designer who loves working with all forms of wet and dry media, specialising in landscapes and still life. She is also a keen urban sketcher, recording people and spaces she finds on her travels.

Andi graduated in and started her creative life in printed textiles and has extended her skills through a career in graphic design and subsequent study in drawing and illustration with the Open College of Arts.

During Open Studios she will be showing a selection of old and new works as well as selling handmade greetings cards featuring her work. Visitors are welcome to visit her studio outside the published opening times by appointment.


Hungerford and NW region
1 Pound Piece
RG17 0QW
Pound Piece runs parallel to Smitham Bridge Road; my studio is the first house.