As a landlocked Island girl (originally from the Isle of Wight) my work is the reflection of my passion for the coast, specifically the treasures which are hidden and revealed each day by the tides, I find the transient, impermanence of the coast so stimulating and exciting, each visit is different, dictated by the weather and the shifts of the tides, each day is a new start as the beach is wiped clean, replenished.
I am an avid beach comber, visiting the Jurassic coast at every opportunity to feed my obsession, I utilise my collections not only as inspiration but as part of my creative process as I compose mono prints working with pressed seaweeds, fossils and hand cut stencils inspired by coastal patterns and forms. My working processes echo the coastal layers as I build layered compositions which express both my infatuation for the coast and passion for rich colour and pattern.
I began working with Gelli plate mono printing five years ago, I make my own printing plates with gelatine and glycerine, I adore the printing process and find it seriously addictive, it offers so much space for creative play. I am thrilled to be part of Open Studios this year, a chance for me to share my work and my love of the processes and of course the coast with other like-minded creatives and art enthusiasts.
I offer workshops and the opportunity to explore this process which I run from my home, I also deliver workshops throughout the year at various local art centres, If you are interested in booking a place on one of these or in organising a bespoke workshop for yourself and a small group of others (up to four people) please get in touch and/or pop along to my studio for more details.
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