Anne Dalton and Mair Edwards will be exhibiting together at the Greenham Common Control Tower from the 7th to the 18th May (closed Monday and Tuesday).
This is Anne's second year with Open Studios and she is excited to be back exhibiting in the Control Tower. She continues to enjoy creating designs inspired by nature and using them to decorate the pieces that she throws on the wheel. The contrast between the smoothness of glazed areas and the rougher texture of the fired clay is still a major feature of her work although the pieces she creates are starting to move away from the purely functional to include more abstract sculptural forms.
Mair's work is inspired by personal memories and experiences, poems, or quotes and evolves slowly over time, as each aspect is considered and developed with research and experiments. Materials and processes are specifically chosen for each piece to best express her ideas.
She is very pleased to be a part of Open Studios and to be exhibiting in her first year with Anne.