Artists' books, Ceramics, Drawing and painting, Jewellery, Mixed media, Photography, Textiles
Artists at Headley shop will be exhibiting paintings, jewellery, ceramics, greeting cards and much more. Paula has a beautiful range of necklaces, earrings etc, some chunky and some delicate. Charlotte offers a lovely range of ceramics, including pots, her popular black planters and green men wall plaques, taking inspiration from the colours, textures and creatures of our natural world. Jane, Ann and Gill will have a beautiful selection of paintings, prints, photographs, greeting cards etc on display. The gallery at Headley shop is very near the Base.
Basingstoke and SE region
Headley Community Shop
Thornford Road
RG19 8AD
From A339 in Headley turn into Thornford Road. Shop on right just before cross roads. Park opposite